Nenad Jelisic's rating system (Nenad Jelisic Points = NJP) wines
5,0 NJP = A fabulous, unique and world-class wine. Closer to heaven, you cannot come. If you like wine then it is a must to buy and try this wine; 4,5 NJP = An extraordinary good wine. Only small micro details distinguish this wine from to be a 5 points wine; 4,0 NJP = A very good wine. A wine that has almost everything that the most highly rated wines (4,5 and 5,0 NJP) should have; 3,5 NJP = A more than good wine. A wine that has both finesse and good taste and a wine that you greatly enjoy while drinking it; 3,0 NJP = A good wine that is well above average. A wine that lacks just a little to end higher up, i.e. to 3,5 NJP; 2,5 NJP = A wine that has ended up in no man's land. Close to be a good wine, but also close to be a below average wine; 2,0-1,0 NJP = A below average wine. You can drink it, but in return it provides no excitement; 0,5 NJP = A bad wine, but still if you make an effort when you drink it, it is drinkable; 0 NJP = A catastrophically bad and non-drinkable wine. It does not even suit for cooking.

Nenad Jelisic's rating system (Nenad Jelisic Points = NJP) world's restaurants
5,0 NJP = A fabulous, unique and world-class restaurant. A restaurant where the food quality, taste of the food, how the food is presented and looks, wine selection, decor, atmosphere, service and cleanliness is perfect i.e. it cannot be better; 4,5 NJP = An extraordinary good restaurant. Only small micro details distinguish this restaurant from to be a 5 points restaurant; 4,0 NJP = A very good restaurant. A restaurant that has almost everything that the most highly rated restaurants (4,5 and 5,0 NJP) should have; 3,5 NJP = A more than good restaurant. A restaurant that has more than good wine selection, decor, atmosphere, service and cleanliness; 3,0 NJP = A restaurant that is well above average. A restaurant that lacks just a little to end higher up, i.e. to 3,5 NJP; 2,5 NJP = A restaurant that has ended up in no man's land. Close to be a good restaurant, but also close to be a bad restaurant.

Nenad Jelisic's rating system (Nenad Jelisic Points = NJP) wine books
5,0 NJP = Wonderful reading that absolutely must not be missed. Better than this does not become a book about wine. The book contains everything what a wine reader needs to know about wines, both factually and literary; 4,5 NJP = An excellent book. Only small micro details distinguish this book from getting 5,0 NJP; 4,0 NJP = A very good book. Great entertainment to read and it has almost everything that the highest rated books have; 3,5 NJP = A more than good book. A book that has the most in terms of facts about wine and it is very good literary; 3,0 NJP = A good book well above average. Entertaining reading that can be recommended; 2,5 NJP = A book that ends in nobody's land. Close to be a good book, but also close to be not so good book.

NJ Wines
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